Chủ Nhật, 28 tháng 10, 2012

Entry 3_Nguyễn Thị Dịu

Identifying Bias

  Some little boys were arguing about football.
 -Whydo they call the players on team "A" the "Heavy weight Rivals?"
 -Why do you ask such a stupid question? They are the players who are fed well so they will have a big body. And, if they have a big body then it's for sure that they will have a heavy weight. Right?

-Alalysis: in the above conversation, a boy asks for the phrase “heavy weight rivals” and another boy answers that because the players are fed well ,they have a big body. This answer is wrong . In fact, phrase “ heavy weight rivals” means outstanding football ability. Another word that players are very good at playing football and often get a lot of excellent scores.


-  Discrimination
-  Analysis: The picture is the fact in the old time. It is class discrimination that took place all over the world. In the picture, the boss treats her servants badly. She brutally  beats them with a steak on her hand.

- Làm trai cho đáng nên trai
Phú Xuân đã trải, Đồng Nai đã từng. 
- Đã sinh ra kiếp đàn ông
Đèo cao, núi thẳm, sông cùng sá chi.

-Analysis: Being a men who is always indicated  to pursue the great career. They have to be the strong, decisive people so that they can overcome the challenges of life. For most people, the men must dear to deal with obstacles and discover the world and have a lot of experience in life.
 Item 3: Vietnamese idiom

3 nhận xét:

  1. In item 2, the girl is "mistress", not a "boss"

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  2. In your entry, some basic grammatical mistakes have to be avoided by you:
    Item 1: we say " in other words" ( put differently) not " another word"
    Item 3: "a man" or "men" not "a men", men(Plural noun)
    'the strong and decisive people" not " the strong, decisive people"

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  3. I have some comment for your entry:
    - Discrimination is prejudice in action, but I don't see prejudice in item 2. Please describe it more detail
    - You should note to parallel "the men must dear to...., discover the world and have a lot of experience in life.

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