Identifying Bias
-Analysis: When it comes to Korean actors, people often have the image of beautiful and fashionable men while it is not really true for all Korean actors. Not all of them are gorgeous or stylish.
Item 2
"Nghiên cứu trực tuyến về kỳ thị và phân biệt đối xử và bạo lực với người LGBT tại trường học do Trung tâm Sáng kiến Sức khỏe và Dân số (CCIHP) thực hiện đã chỉ ra rằng 46% người đồng tính và chuyển giới từng bị phân biệt đối xử và bạo lực về thể chất, tình dục và kinh tế ngay từ khi còn đi học. Ngay khi được báo cáo thì thầy cô cũng không làm gì (44%) , thậm chí 18% các trường hợp bị bạo lực và phân biệt đối xử bị tố là do chính thầy cô và cán bộ trong trường gây ra."source:
-Analysis: LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) children are treated badly and unfairly. They are victims of bullying at school by their peers and teachers just because of their sexuality. The prejudice against them is not only in opinion but also shown in action.
-Analysis: In the picture, a patient is giving bribe to a doctor. People in our society often have negative opinion about doctors, seeing them as extortioners who will not give patient good medical treatment without taking bribe.
dear my friend,
Trả lờiXóai think item 1 is not clear because the picture about four boys in this film are not representatives of the beautiful and fashionable men. For you, they are handsome but for others are not.Your opinion is subjective
in the item 1, there is no context to understand exactly what the type of bias is shown here
Trả lờiXóaI think in your 1st item, the context is not clear enough to lead to the conclusion this is stereotype. This is just a kind of poster for an idol film and if there is anybody hasn't watched that film, perhaps it's hard to identify whether those boys are Korean.
Trả lờiXóaitem 2, I think it is scapegoating. Because this is community problem. Any a LGBT child may be victim of bullying, also at shool.
Trả lờiXóain the example, LGBT children are not blamed for any community problem. It is just saying that these children are victims of bullying. So, my opinion is that it is discrimination
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