Chủ Nhật, 16 tháng 9, 2012

Entry 1_Trần Hồng Ngọc

                                                           Item 1: Picture

1. Rhetorical devices:
  - Overstatement: In fact, the environment isnot as polluted as one in the picture
2. Message: the air is seriously polluted

                                                            Item 2: Story
                                                            Too surprised
       There was a competition of mini stories about modern life on a newspaper. Below is the story which won the first prize:
        " On the train, a young man stood up to give his seat to a child. Being too surprised, the child fell down unconscious. Having woken up, the child said "Thank you" to the young man. It made the young man fall down unconscious, too."

1. Rhetorical devices:
  - Overstatement: In fact, the situation which happened on the train is not too surprised for the young man and the child to fall down unconscious
 - Irony about people's moral in modern life
2. Message: In modern life, politeness seems not exist
                                                         Item 3: Poem

                                                           Time Will Pass

                            Life is something you can not fake
                            You live and learn from each mistake
                            Sunny days or cloudy skies
                            Happy Greetings or Sad Goodbyes
                            So don't sit by and let time pass
                            For live each day like your last

                            This is something that you must do
                            If you expect to grow and stick it through
                            All the sadness all the pain wash
                            It away like the rain.
                            Fast or slow whatever your pace
                            Take your time life is not a race.

1. Rhetorical devices:
- Rhyme: fake-mistakes, skies-Goodbyes, pass-last, do-through, pain-rain, pace-race.
- Antithesis: Sunny days-Cloudy skies, Happy Greetings-Sad Goodbyes.
- Metaphor: Sunny day, Happy greeting: good day (or success)
                   Cloudy skies, sad goodbyes: bad day (or failure)
2. Message: Do not waste any moment of your life

- Nụ cười Anh-Việt page 276

2 nhận xét:

  1. The first word I want to say that I am quite expressed by your picture in the first item!
    But I have a few comments to you. I think the message of the picture that the importance of green tree in providing people with oxygen.

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  2. I am realy intrested in your entry, my friend
    But after reading it many time, I realized some mistakes and had some comments for you:
    You need to correct some typing error such as isnot =>is not, aound => around ^.^
    In item 1, you should make the message more clearly. I suggest: The air was being seriously polluted which harmed derectly to human's health
    In item 3, In my point of view, you should use word " assonance" instead of " Rhyme", it is more exactly

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