Entry 1_Ngô Thị Minh Phương
Entry 1
Item 1: Poem
funny... but not [1]
it's funny how hello is always accompanied with goodbye
it's funny how good memories can start to make you cry
it's funny how forever never seems to last
it's funny how much you'd lose if you forgot about your past
it's funny how “friends” can just leave when you are down
it's funny how when you need someone they never are around
it's funny how people change and think they're so much better
it's funny how many lies are packed into one “love letter”
it's funny how one night can contain so much regret
it's funny how you can forgive but not forget
it's funny how ironic life turns out to be
but the funniest part of all, is none of thats funny to me
it's funny how good memories can start to make you cry
it's funny how forever never seems to last
it's funny how much you'd lose if you forgot about your past
it's funny how “friends” can just leave when you are down
it's funny how when you need someone they never are around
it's funny how people change and think they're so much better
it's funny how many lies are packed into one “love letter”
it's funny how one night can contain so much regret
it's funny how you can forgive but not forget
it's funny how ironic life turns out to be
but the funniest part of all, is none of thats funny to me
Rhetorical Device:
Ф Rhyme: goodbye - cry, last - past, down - around, better - letter, regret - forget, to be - to me.
Ф Parallelism: the structure "It's funny how..." (11 times)
Ф Parallelism: the structure "It's funny how..." (11 times)
Life is full of paradox and unpredictable events, beside funny things. Even things that you believe in can betray you one day. Therefore, you should be fully prepared to cope with every possibly hardship in life.
Life is full of paradox and unpredictable events, beside funny things. Even things that you believe in can betray you one day. Therefore, you should be fully prepared to cope with every possibly hardship in life.
Item 2: Fable
A horse and a stag [2]
Once a wild horse while grazing on a grassland was enjoying its food and its freedom. After some time it saw a stag coming and nibbling on the same grassland. There was sufficient grass for both of them but the horse didn't want to share the grass and thought of a plan to get rid of the stag.
It saw a man passing by, told him its plan and asked his help to kill the stag. The man agreed, but said that to fulfill the plan, he would have to mount the horse in order to chase the stag. The horse agreed and very soon the man killed the stag.
The horse now waited for the man to get off but the man refused.
The horse got mad with rage and began to kick and fling, but all it got was a good whipping.
At last, it had no other alternative but to submit itself to the man and work for him on his farm.
It saw a man passing by, told him its plan and asked his help to kill the stag. The man agreed, but said that to fulfill the plan, he would have to mount the horse in order to chase the stag. The horse agreed and very soon the man killed the stag.
The horse now waited for the man to get off but the man refused.
The horse got mad with rage and began to kick and fling, but all it got was a good whipping.
At last, it had no other alternative but to submit itself to the man and work for him on his farm.
Rhetoric devices:
Ф Personalization :The horse in this story was personalized with thought and feeling like people
Ф Metaphor : The stag is symbolized as the weak in society
The horse is the symbolic image of the kind of contrived and greed person
The man represents the wicked people in life, who also take advantage of other people.
Selfishness and greed someday will harm to self and others. Moreover, your greed make you blind; surprisingly, a day you might become the victim of the person whom you ask to hurt your enemy.
Item 3: Cartoon [3]

Rhetorical devices:
Ф Metaphor: The ugly horse – The recessional economy
Ф Metaphor: The ugly horse – The recessional economy
The painter – The EU government
The nice horse – The desirable economy of EU
Ф Irony: the actual economy in Europe >< the economy that EU government promise to gain
Through the hand of the Eu government, the economy is “drawn” to be good and positive but the reality is that the economy is falling down with many crisises.
In the 1st item, it has another rhetorical devices: repetition: it's funny how...
Trả lờiXóaNhận xét này đã bị tác giả xóa.
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Trả lờiXóaMy friend, I would like to add my comments:
Item 1:
1. Another rhetorical devices:
-Paradox: the author told a list of funny things in his mind but in the end, he concluded that none of them funny to him.
- Climax: The author arranged the funny things in the order of increasing emphasis.
- Irony: You can see that all funny things which were mentioned are not really funny.
2. Message: You should express it in different way. I suggest that:
"Life is not perfect as we expect; therefore, we should think everything in another way to satisfy with our life"
In item 3, I think the message: EU's economy is hided with good development, in fact it is not.
Trả lờiXóaDear my friend,
Trả lờiXóaAfter reading your entry, I have some comment for you:
In item 2, you have a mini mistake in grammar: The stag symbolized for, not The stag is symbolized as
The message should be more clearly